2023 Hope

Awards | Sponsor

2023 Sponsor Levels – Use the box to the left and enter your level of sponsorship. Thank you for your sponsorship!

Friends of Mission of Hope House Any monetary donation less than $250 Accumulated with community funds Used toward matching funds

$500+ Investor Business/donor listed on facebook/website with event Business/donor printed in program Solo Facebook shoutout to company/donor 2 free tickets to event

$3000 Media Sponsor-1 available Business/donor listed on facebook/website with event Business/donor printed in program Solo Facebook shoutout to company/donor 4 free tickets to event Sign on podium in front of all guests

$2000 Food Sponsor-3 available Company/donor name on sign at food stations Business/donor listed on facebook/website with event Business/donor printed in program Solo Facebook shoutout to company/donor 4 free tickets to event

$250-$499 Investor Business/donor listed on facebook/website with event Business/donor printed in program Solo Facebook shoutout to company/donor

Wine & Whiskey Donate a bottle of wine or whiskey valued at $30 or more Include business card or business information



